BENEO slow release Palatinose™ is safe and well-tolerated in follow-on formula
Offstein, March 2016 – Under the lead of Prof. Koletzko, Munich and within the EU7th Framework Program Early Nutrition, a randomized double blind control study was conducted including 50 infants in the age of 4 to 8 months. Children received a low-glycaemic follow-on formula with Palatinose™ (isomaltulose) or a control formula of a higher glycaemic index (with maltodextrin) for 28 days. Safety, acceptability and metabolic data were generated.
The rational was that in infants, differences in insulin levels are shown between breast-fed and formula-fed infants, which may be related to greater fat deposition with increased early weight gain and later risk of obesity. This is why the low glycaemic yet fully available carbohydrate Palatinose™ is a valuable alternative for infant follow-on formula.
A limiting factor of this study was the restriction for blood sampling: a sample was taken only 1 time after 60 min of formula uptake. This ‘one–time-only-situation’ did not allow to show blood glucose or insulin differences in this study. Clearly confirmed was the safe use and good acceptability for infants of the carbohydrate Palatinose™. which is less sweet than the traditional ingredients used in follow-up formula and GUM (Grown-Up Milk).
Palatinose™ is the only other carbohydrate with a lower rise in blood glucose compared to sugar or maltodextrin except for lactose. However, all over the world lactose intolerance is of relevance, affecting children from about one year onwards.