BENEO-Institute – knowledge to connect nutrition & health.

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Our scientific white papers.

Healthy Ageing: beyond the usual advice to eat well and stay active.

Scientifically supported health-related benefits of functional fibers and carbohydrates for the silver generation.

Infancy, childhood and adolescence – benefits of prebiotics and Palatinose™.

Benefits of choosing smart ingredients for an important life span development.

Inner defence support with prebiotic chicory root fibers.

How do prebiotic oligofructose and inulin help to strengthen our inner defence system? The support of beneficial bacteria is key!

A healthy gut microbiota with chicory root fiber.

The prebiotic concept with Orafti® fibers (inulin, oligofructose/FOS): – A healthy gut flora and the physiological benefits.

Improved metabolism and health with Palatinose™.

Palatinose™ – a unique slow-release carbohydrate for sustained energy, lower blood glucose and insulin response and a higher level of fat burning.

Prebiotics – the scientifically proven superfoods for holistic health.

Recently, researchers published the results of a deep dive into numerous controlled trials (RCTs) which demonstrated the selective increase in the beneficial Bifidobacteria when 3 g chicory root fibre per day is eaten. Read about scientific evidence that chicory root fibre is a prebiotic for gut microbiome, supporting digestive health and well-being.

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