Functional ingredients for mental health
Worldwide, people are affected by an ever-more-demanding fast-pace of life. Feeling such pressure has a significant impact on their physical and mental wellbeing. As such, a large group of consumers is starting to feel the importance of their nutritional choices on both body and mind (mood, memory). There are two aspects that play a significant role in this. The way energy from food is provided to the body and everybody is well aware of the immediate crush after a sugar rush caused by fluctuations in blood sugar. Consumers also experience that their digestive health, mental wellbeing and stress levels influence each other. This is not just a belief but has been discovered by scientists as well: the gut-brain-axis.
What to know about mental wellbeing:
Prebiotics help uplift the mood
Chicory root fibres are prebiotics that selectively promote the growth of beneficial gut microbiota, particularly bifidobacteria. The activities of these beneficial bacteria and their metabolites have a far-reaching impact, like influencing the brain and one’s mood state.
The gut-brain axis represents a two-way line of communication

With a small intervention in the diet you can influence the gut microbiota and your overall health
The nerve cells in the gut and the brain are the same as are their messaging or signalling molecules. The gut is sometimes referred to as our ‘second brain’. Communication between the gut and the brain runs directly through a nerve connection and the systemic circulation. Microorganisms in the gut produce metabolites that act as signalling substances to stimulate nerve, immune and hormone cells which eventually reach the brain. So, in fact, there is an interaction called the gut-brain-axis.
Want to learn more about how chicory root fibres can support the healthy gut microbiota and more? Read this paper
Science-based: Prebiotics can influence a person’s mood
Exciting science shows that Orafti® Oligofructose enhances mood
Thanks to the gut-brain axis, important mood parameters such as feelings of anxiety and depression, can be influenced via microbiota modulation – as demonstrated in a randomized, controlled trial. Volunteers involved represented a normal working population that experience stress which influences the overall well-being.
The adults who consumed chicory oligofructose had significantly greater numbers of beneficial gut microbiota, including bifidobacteria. Additionally, they had better mood states with lower anxiety and depression scores. They also had reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Scientists did deeper analyses and found a correlation within the gut-brain axis – the higher the levels of beneficial bifidobacteria in the gut, the lower the scores of anxieties, depression, negative feelings, and the lower the levels of cortisol.
Prebiotic benefits for gut microbiota and mood state

Other clinical studies have also shown that prebiotic chicory root fibres help improve mood. These prebiotics were also found to improve digestive well-being and quality of life in people with mild constipation, which has been linked to positive changes in the gut microbiota. These studies add to the growing body of evidence that prebiotic chicory root fibres influence well-being.
Incorporating BENEO’s chicory root fibres into one’s diet can lead to improved mood by enhancing emotional well-being, lowering feelings of anxiety and depression, reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol, supporting overall better digestive health and quality of life.
Mental fitness with Palatinose™: going strong till the end
Carbohydrates are essential for providing energy to our bodies. Especially the brain depends on carbohydrates as glucose is its sole source of energy. Most carbohydrate-rich foods are quickly digested, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar. Palatinose™ is different. Just like sucrose, it is a sugar made of glucose and fructose, but it has a unique bond, that is broken down much slower than regular sugar. This slow digestion means Palatinose™ provides the full carbohydrate energy in a more sustained way and thereby helps to maintain a better memory over the morning and to improve mood.
Exploring the effects of Palatinose™ begins with understanding how carbohydrates are taken up by the body
Soon after consuming food containing low glycaemic Palatinose™ or high glycaemic carbohydrates, both have similar effects. However, after this initial period, Palatinose™ shows its strength, supporting mood and memory for a longer time. With slow carbohydrates like Palatinose™, there is no need for an extra snack to enhance memory and mood.
Enhancing mood and extended memory with Palatinose™ is relevant for adults and children.
Science shows low GI carbs support improved mental performance in children
Emerging science shows that low glycaemic foods, including Palatinose™, produce significant benefits for children’s and young adolescent’s mental performance. Among the benefits, such as improved mood and memory stands out. Specifically, children and adolescents aged between 5 and 11 who consume a low-GI breakfast demonstrate better episodic memory (ability to recall specific events) after 3 hours. Essentially, opting for low glycaemic foods ensures young minds remain sharp for extended periods.

In-depth information about prebiotic chicory root fibres and Palatinose™

Interested to learn more about the slow-release property of Palatinose™?
Improve metabolism and overall health (including mood and metal performance) with Palatinose™.