A better way to formulate oily plant extracts with galenIQ™

A better way to formulate oily plant extracts with galenIQ™

galenIQ™, BENEO’s sweet filler-binder, overcomes compression challenges

Mannheim (Germany), February 2020 – With BENEO’s water-soluble filler-binder galenIQ™, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical manufacturers can overcome formulation issues when using oily plant extracts. Besides its sweet taste, galenIQ™ offers a high oil-binding capacity, agglomerate stability as well as flowability, and allows for fast tablet disintegration.

Plant extracts have become increasingly important ingredients in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical dosage forms. However, they are often sticky or oily and can be difficult to formulate into a solid format, such as a tablet. With galenIQ™ 721 as a filler-binder, manufacturers can facilitate this process. It acts like a sponge by absorbing the oily plant extracts and then remaining as a dry flowable powder. The excipient’s morphology helps to retain the homogeneity of the mixture and make the production of robust tablets with a high content uniformity much easier.

As galenIQ™ 721 is water-soluble, plant extract tablets disintegrate rapidly without the use of a super-disintegrant or additional binders. Moreover, only very low compression forces are required during the tabletting process. BENEO’s excipient is suitable for low and high dosage forms and a broad range of tablet types — from chewables to orally disintegrating mini-tablets (ODMTs).

galenIQ™ is the pharmaceutical grade of BENEO’s Isomalt. With a sucrose-like mouthfeel and flavour and no significant off-notes or aftertaste, it’s an ideal filler-binder — especially for chewable tablets. The galenIQ™ product range comprises different grades to serve a broad variety of solid dosage forms. galenIQ™ 721 is particularly suited for oily plant extracts. It reduces their unpleasant taste, thus enhancing the palatability of the tablet and promoting patient compliance.

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