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BENEO Isomalt sugar replacer

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What is Isomalt?

Isomalt is a naturally sourced sugar replacer and the only one in its kind made from pure beet sugar. On top, it is 100% sugar-free and even helps to prevent tooth decay. Thanks to a two-stage production process of enzymatic sucrose treatment and hydrogenation, the resulting unique molecular structure gives our Isomalt a sweetening profile almost equal to sucrose – but with half the calories! While used in many food applications, Isomalt is the number one sugar replacer worldwide in hard candies.

What is Isomalt used for?

Reduce stickiness & ensure longer shelf-life

Isomalt has a lower hygroscopicity than most polyols, and significantly lower than sugar. It absorbs practically no moisture at room temperature and at relatively high humidity levels. Isomalt prevents hard boiled candies and compressed mints from becoming sticky or moist, so that even unwrapped items can be packaged together, guaranteeing a longer shelf life.

Men chewing gum Isomalt
Men chewing gum Isomalt
Isomalt stickiness and shelf-life
Isomalt stickiness and shelf-life

Create brilliant colours & coatings

Contrary to other polyols, Isomalt significantly contributes to colour brilliance of coatings of e.g. sugar-free chewing gum and chewy candies, as it can be applied in a single syrup process. Isomalt also creates visually attractive, transparent high boiled candies and lollipops.

As this hero ingredient absorbs virtually no moisture, it benefits the crunchiness of coated applications. It also ensures a smooth surface in deposited confectionery, avoiding sharp cracks and edges that can compromise indulgence.

Optimise taste & mouthfeel

Isomalt has a very similar organoleptical profile to sugar – with about half the sweetness of sucrose. The use allows for formulations with a very natural taste profile, because like sucrose, it has nearly no cooling effect. When combined with high-intensity sweeteners, it can generate a synergistic sweetness profile without producing any bad taste or aftertaste.

Its mild sweetness brings a better flavour release in subtle and delicate fruit flavours. In sugar-free chewing gum or fruit-flavoured hard candies, this is perfectly complemented by it’s low solubility, which improves flavour retention and therefore increased enjoyment.

Woman chewing gum Isomalt
Woman chewing gum Isomalt

More on isomalt?

In-depth Isomalt information:

Toothfriendly certificate for Isomalt
Toothfriendly certificate for Isomalt

Natural ingredients for sustainable aqua feed

All about technical pellet optimisation with vegetable proteins, prebiotic fibres and functional starches, prioritising growth rate and overall health.

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