Orafti, Palatinit und Remy werden BENEO

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Orafti, Palatinit und Remy werden BENEO

Seit 2007 gibt es drei Unternehmen: Orafti, Palatinit und Remy arbeiten seither zusammen. Unter dem Namen BENEO stellt das Unternehmen funktionelle Inhaltsstoffe aus Zichorienwurzeln, Rübenzucker, Reis und Weizen und konzentriert und konzentriert sich auf die neuesten Trends in den Bereichen Lebensmittel, Futtermittel und Pharmazie. Der Grundstein für den Erfolg wurde schon lange vorher gelegt.

  • Palatinit
  • Orafti
  • Remy

BENEO´s Timeline


2022 Acquisition of the Dutch company Meatless

BENEO Acquires Meatless B.V. to Further Expand its Portfolio of Plant-based Solutions
Acquisition of the Dutch company Meatless specialized in plant-based texturizer

2022 Investment into pulse-processing plant in Offstein, Germany

Investment into pulse-processing plant in Offstein, Germany


2020/21 Multi-million investment

BENEO-Remy at Wijgmaal

Multi-million investment into production sites in Chile and Belgium

2019 Opening of new production plant


Opening of new production plant for vegetal protein in
Wanze, Belgium

2019 Opening of regional application centre


Opening of regional application centre in Sao Paulo, Brazil

2018 „Approved dietary fibres“

Exterior view of the headquarters of US Food and Drug Administration

BENEO’s chicory root fibres are listed as “approved dietary fibres” by the U.S Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

2018 Opening of regional application centre


BENEO opens North American application center in Parsippany, USA to showcase advances in nutrition and technical food applications.

2017 BENEO celebrates its 10th Birthday

2017 Inclusion of galenIQ™ into Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)

Antiques pharmacy books

2016 EU health claims for BENEO’s chicory root fibres

Exclusive 13-5 health claim for BENEO's fibre inulin

EU health claims for BENEO’s chicory root fibres ”inducing a lower blood glucose response” to be added as 2016 milestone.

2016 Launch of functional native rice starch

BENEO factsheet remypure in sauces

Launch of functional native rice starch range, Remypure

2016 Opening of regional application centre

BENEO and Raffinerie Tirlemontoise

Opening of regional application centre in Tienen, Belgium

2016 Foundation of regional sales office in India

2016 Foundation of regional sales office in India

Foundation of regional sales office in Guargon, India

2015 BENEO’s inulin receives exclusive 13.5 EU health claim

BENEO’s inulin receives exclusive 13.5 EU health claim for promoting digestive health.

2014 Capacity expansion

Beneo plant

Completion of capacity expansion across all sites.

2014 Launch of new biomass boiler

Beneo biomassboiler

Launch of new biomass boiler in Pemuco, Chile as a major step in sustainability.

2012 Divestment of the glue business, and focus mainly on food and feed market.

Divestment of the glue business, and focus mainly on food and feed market.

2011 Foundation of the BENEO-Technology Center

Foundation of the BENEO-Technology Center to support with expertise relating to application technology.

2011 Start of capacity expansion across all production sites

Beneo expansion

2011 EU health claims for ISOMALT and Palatinose™

Beneo beet sugar

EU health claims for ISOMALT and Palatinose™ for being toothfriendly and low glycaemic.


2010 Foundation of BENEO Inc. in Morris Plains, USA

Foundation of BENEO Inc. in Morris Plains, USA

2009 Foundation of the BENEO-Institute

Global science and legislation network

Foundation of the BENEO-Institute facilitating access to the latest scientific research and knowledge across all nutritional and regulatory topics related to BENEO ingredients.

2009 Start of selling wheat protein

Start of selling gluten to food and feed industry and entry to the plant-based protein business.

2008 Palatinose™ received toothfriendly US health claim.

Chocolate milkshake and piece of chocolate, close-up

Palatinose™ received toothfriendly US health claim.

2007 Foundation of BENEO

timeline logo beneo
Foundation of BENEO and merger of three business units with sales into food, feed and pharmaceutical industries.

2007 Launch of BENEO-Animal Nutrition

Launch of BENEO-Animal Nutrition

2007 Merging of BENEO’s regional sales offices

Merging of BENEO’s regional sales offices in Singapore, Latin America and Spain.

2006 Launch of galenIQ

Launch of galenIQ, the pharmaceutical grade of ISOMALT, and inclusion into U.S Pharmacopoeia (USP) and National Formulary (NF).

2006 Start of production of chicory root fibre

Start of production of chicory root fibre

Start of production of chicory root fibre in Pemuco, Chile.


2005 Opening of new production plant

Opening of new production plant

Remy – opening of new production plant for rice flour in Confienza, Italy.

2005 Launch of Palatinose™

Launch of Palatinose™, the next generation carbohydrate.

2001-2010 BENEO™ Label Programme initiative

BENEO™ Label Programme initiative

The BENEO™ Label Programme initiative promoted BENEO and the benefits of Synergy1 a Prebiotic Fibre on end products.


2002 Large scale capacity expansion

Large scale capacity expansion

Large scale capacity expansion at the production site in Offstein, Germany.

2001 Pharmaceutical grade of ISOMALT


Inclusion of a pharmaceutical grade of ISOMALT into Pharmacopoeia Europeae (Ph.Eur).

2001 Acquisition of Remy Industries

Acquisition of Remy Industries

Acquisition of Remy Industries by Orafti and shortly after by the Südzucker Group.

2001 Patent and launch of Orafti®Synergy1

Patent and launch of the first combined oligofructose enriched inulin, Orafti®Synergy1.


2000 Launch of first blend of rice ingredients

Launch of first blend of rice ingredients for liquid applications.

1999 Launch of the „ISOMALT family“


ISOMALT portfolio diversified into different grades and launch of the ISOMALT family.

1998 ISOMALT received toothfriendly US health claim


ISOMALT received toothfriendly US health claim.

1997 Launch of organic variants of rice specialties

Launch of organic variants of rice specialties.

1995 First definition of prebiotics published

First definition of prebiotics published, referring to Orafti® Inulin and Orafti® Oligofructose

1995 Launch of product ranges

Launch of product ranges Remyflo (rice flours), Remypro (rice protein), and Remyline (rice starch)

1992 Start of commercial production

Start of commercial production of inulin and oligofructose in Oreye, Belgium after conversion of the old sugar plant into a modern chicory factory.


Mid 1990´s


Foundation of regional offices in the USA and Singapore.

Mid 1990´s

Start of networking with worldwide academia in the new field of gut health.

1989 Opening of the first production plant

1989 Opening of the first production plant

Opening of the first production plant for ISOMALT in Offstein, Germany.

1989 Business renamed Orafti

timeline logo orafti
Acquisition by the Südzucker Group and business renamed Orafti.

1988 Start of scientific research

Start of scientific research into chicory root fibres

1986 basis for chicory root fibre production

Georges Smits laid the basis for chicory root fibre production.


1980´s Business focus on rice starches

1980´s Business focus on rice starches

Business focus is mainly on rice starches, rice flours, and rice proteins for food and feed applications.

1979 Foundation of Palatinit Sweetener GmbH

Foundation of Palatinit Sweetener GmbH
Foundation of Palatinit Sweetener GmbH, as part of the Südzucker Group, to market ISOMALT.


1972 The first patent for ISOMALT

The first patent for ISOMALT was filed.

1960´s The sugar replacer, ISOMALT

Dr. Hubert Schiweck further developed isomaltulose into the sugar replacer, ISOMALT.

1957 Isomaltulose was discovered

Professor Rudolf Weidenhagen discovers isomaltulose. The newly found carbohydrate triggers extensive research into its physiological role and physical properties.


1921 Portfolio extended

1921 - Remy portfolio extended

1921 Portfolio extended to include applications such as glue, pasta, baby food and feed.

1903 Opening of 4th Remy factory

1903 - Opening of 4th Remy factory

Opening of 4th Remy factory.

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Das Unternehmen Palatinit hat seinen Namen erhalten, weil die Zuckerrüben als Rohstoff in einer Region im Südwesten Deutschlands, der Pfalz, angebaut und verarbeitet werden.

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Edouard Remy gründete 1855 das Unternehmen Remy (das später zu BENEO-Remy wurde)

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timeline logo orafti

Gründung der Fabrik in Oreye (Belgien) im Jahr 1889 als Zuckerrübenraffineri